Peace River Baptist Association
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Women's Missions & Ministries


"And the king will answer them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of
the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."     Matthew 25:40 ESV
BIBLE Mathew 25 (one of the least of these) | bible, mathew 25, matthew 25
Women's Retreat Team Members:
Nancy Lee, Denise Harn, KarDavis, Diane Joens, Cheryl Sunnarborg, 
Janelle Chastain, Becky Hall, Barbara Garcia, Lisa Letson


Help Wanted Clip Art
If you would like some assistance with your women's group please don't hesitate to call the association office.  Nancy Lee can be reached at 941-637-0874 and is willing to talk or meet with you.
Cindy Bradley our Florida Women's Missions and Ministry/Mission Education catalyst would also love to talk with you about ideas as well.  Cindy can be reached at 904-596-3133.
We are here to serve you.

 For more information on the International and North American

Mission Offering you can visit the following: